Inkfluence was formed out of necessity during the spring thaw of 1995.
The Yeti had come and gone, the wildebeasts had eaten, and there was no sign of any tattoo shop that had a clue for miles around. Relics of a day long past were plentiful, but no tattoo warrior had come forth to forge the path into the future. It was time.
Paths were cleared, hillbillies were slain, and obstacles were hurdled, and out of the fiery ruins, stood high the mighty Inkfluence, the product of much blood, sweat, tears, and the occasional after hours alcohol bender fueled contemplation.
Today, Inkfluence continues its reign over the vast flatness of the West Texas landscape, toiling tirelessly to provide its minions with quality, legible, tattoos built and designed to withstand the test of time. Generally speaking, from Tuesday - Saturday from 12 pm to 8 pm. Sundays and Mondays are days of rest as even mythological legends are subject to the aging process and like to chill.
Inkfluence can be reached by standing on the highest peak and blowing into the gilded horn of a freshly slain ram, or preferably by email, You can also call 806-744-8282, but these days email is the best.